Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus from Go Forth Ministry and Ninos Para Cristo (Children for Christ) children’s home in Gualoco Honduras. What a blessed time in the Lord. The Lord began to smile on this mission long before the date of the trip. Many gift bags from the saints at Movella Baptist were delivered. Dr. Rene Feret with BEAMS  Bible ministry gave us 760 N.T. that we delivered to the Honduran army and others. May God continue to bless out monthly supporters without which we would not survive. A special thanks to those who have made special donations to the children’s home and to finance this trip. Rock hill, Hebron and Okahola for this trip;  Divine Grace, Hazel, Westhaven, Go Forth Baptist, Charter Oaks, David and Tammy Barrett, First Baptist Oak Grove, Pleasant Hill, and others and the many prayers.

Sister Patsy and me left on Monday the 20th for Honduras. By the time we arrive the day is far spent and we checked in and went to the children’s home. Tuesday I went to the Army base in Quimistan and preached to the brigade their. With tears in his eyes over sin the Captain, a 2nd Lt, and 31 others made a profession of faith in Christ. They ask for prayer for the company and their families who are policing against the drug Lords and their own chain of command and country. Then I made the two and half hour ride back to the children’s home.

So on Wednesday the devil got in it and we could not go to the two high schools.

On Thursday we went back to the airport and picked up our team from Kenwood Baptist in Gulfport. Pastor Ryan Moureaux & his son Cooper, J.P. Moreaux, Eber Fernandez, Nick Seymour, and Timothy Scott. These guys were above board. They came to assist me and work for the Lord and that is what they did. They put self aside and served.

Thursday night we began a revival at church. A lot of response to message.

Friday we began ministry in two high schools, one school there were 47 and the second 219 professions. We also preached on the streets in Gual Joquito after entering the wooden stick horse competition. One lady made a profession. In the afternoon at baseball camp on young man received Christ. At the revival service the team prayed with a 15 year old Jefferson, who confessed homosexuality and repented and after much wailing said he was saved.

Saturday in the rain at baseball camp 10 players mad a profession of faith. That night at church many went to the altar.

Sunday at baseball camp with another team there were 10 more players made a profession. Sunday night our church worshipped with Bro Arnol at Gran Comision. Some said they were save but I did not get the amount but God knows.

Monday we were at the Large high school. Bro J.P did a great job speaking to the teens. God honored it and 373 professions wee made. Monday night was another great service at church.

Tuesday was the baseball tourneyment. Bro Ryan gave another message of salvation to the stadium. There were many folk there and some said they were save but we do not know how many, again the Lord knows.

Wednesday morning the team and I went to the National Police station in Santa Barbara Honduras. There were four officers who made a profession of faith.

The team were a blessing to me, the church, and the children’s home. They did much ministry to the kids at the home by loving them and sharing.

I carried them to see a waterfall at a national park Wed afternoon and Bro Ryan and Johan(translator) won one there. That same morning the waitress at the motel restaurant, who we have been talking with for 2 years accepted Christ.

The total is well over 700. (Psa 126:6) “ He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.”

Also I wish to Thank Bro Arnol, pastor of Gran Comision, for all his help.

WE now lack only $2750.00 to purchase vehicle for the children’s home. On the first day of

If you wish to be involved in hands on missions you may contact me at 601-508-5784.